The V-Series V40 module offers the unique benefits of Thorion Energy’s Vanadium Redox Flow technology.
Our V-Series battery modules can be scaled and supplied for on and off-grid connection, fitted to our cyclone-proof Stand-Alone Power System (SAPS) for remote communities and offshore applications, as well as supplied to clients requiring energy storage for larger solar fields.
Thorion Energy’s initial markets in Australia and internationally include:
Off-grid applications within the mining sector (such as bore pumps, exploration camps, mining villages and ultimately full mine electrification)
Remote communities
Urban and regional community batteries
Residential microgrids
The charging demands of the electric vehicle sector
Sustainable housing developments
Shopping centres
Retirement villages
Universities, hospitals and schools
Thorion Energy V-40 specifications — Download
Battery modules are provided under a product and application warranty. Please contact us for more details.
What makes Thorion Energy’s storage technology unique compared to equivalent Vanadium Redox Flow modules on the market?
Higher Temperature Range
The Thorion Energy V40 Battery has a temperature range of -5ºC to 60ºC compared to 10ºC to 40ºC for other Vanadium Redox Flow Batteries. (VRFBsTM)
Higher Energy Density
The mixed acid electrolyte used by Thorion Energy has up to 70% higher energy density than the Sulphuric Acid based electrolytes used in other VRFBs presently available. (More kWh per litre of electrolyte.)*
*According to technical literature published by Pacific Northwest Laboratories.